Experimentelles Sticken in Kombination mit Drucktechniken


The bachelor’s thesis realizes possible combinations with the elements point, wave and lines, which effect a changed perception of the starting forms. The basic component is always the relief print. This is first combined with different embroidered surfaces. During the development process the embroidery is replaced by print combinations. Models are formed that deform differently during the foaming of the relief paste depending on the initial conditions. At the same time, the various arrangements of the embroidered and printed surfaces influence the consistence of the relief paste. Due to the superimposition of grids, optical illusions arise, which in some designs are visible only by holding the pattern against the daylight, in contrast in the designs with a transparent material chiffon disappear when held against the daylight. Due to the directed manipulation of the deformation, designs are created, which can be used mainly for the manufacture.

Nelli Singer

bachelor thesis 2016

Hochschule Hof
Studiengang Textildesign

Prof. Michael Barta
Prof. Martina Ziegenthaler